My Blog List

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Put those two words together and you have a very common human habit that finds expression in collecting objects of all sorts. What makes collecting such fun is that it can be so much more than mere accumulation. Depending on the object of one's fixation, collecting may entail arduous search and study, not to mention travel and even lots of cash. That, of course, is serious collecting. But then there is a type of collecting that doesn't entail too much effort, or expense.  Like for example, you might choose to collect round objects you find on the streets, like marbles, balls, plastic spheres in all sizes and colors. Or at the beach, you might pick up all sorts of pretty shells and show them off in a glass dish coupled with other small trinkets, perhaps
 even intriguing little items
A collection of all things round
 you find lost on the
 street. If you like
books, you could
 collect multiple
versions of a title
you are particularly
 fond of, say different
 editions of "The Owl
 & The Pussycat,"
 that delightful piece
of nonsense poetry
by Edward Lear.
Or maybe you admire
a particular artist; then go for any
book devoted to that artist and stack them
all together as a colorful book tower.
Any way you approach it, building a collection can be very a very satisfying and entertaining activity.You can collect haphazardly or methodically, but whatever you collect can become part of your home decor to enjoy and share with friends as a conversation piece.

Artwork by Lorraine Blasor

The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to,
and I paint always whatever passes through my head,
without any other consideration.

Frida Kahlo

Two consumer products stood out recently. One
is a can of organic whole peeled tomatoes sold under the
Muir Glen brand and available in San Juan
at Supermax de Diego. What's special
about this product is that the can does not contain
BPA(Bisphenol A), a hormone-disrupting chemical
that can cause hormonal changes and reproductive
abnormalities. Used to make plastic bottles, BPA
also serves to line the inside of metal food and
soda cans, including infant formula. Concern that BPA
leaches out of the can liner into food and drink has
spurred some companies to seek other alternatives
(alas, those too might pose hazards). The
28 oz Muir can retails for $2.77.

The second product is a toilet paper made from
renewable sugarcane husk and bamboo and
whitened with H202, a non-chlorine based
bleach. It is distributed by Walgreens under
the brand name Ology and retails for about
$3 for a package containing 4 rolls.

Artwork by L. Blasor


Theodore Roethke


Darkness has a way of magnifying the human voice and
stirring up the mind's ability for visualization. It's also
the magical ingredient in a unique theater experience at
the Odyssey Theatre in Los Angeles which is enthralling
audiences with its current production: "Beyond Dark: The
Best of Theatre in the Dark."

The 90-minute production, staged in a pitch-dark auditorium,
revolves around 17 pieces by different authors and spanning themes
of horror, death, and sex. Each piece is brought to life by a
12-member cast who use night goggles and overhead cables
to navigate the dark stage. In a review published in the
ActorsEntertainment website, Kristina Nikols writes that
"the unique nature of the event's staging lends
itself most successfully to the horror pieces...The visceral
experience heightens the overwhelming sense of fright
and leaves the audience very uncomfortable."

"Beyond Dark" plays Friday through Sunday
until February 9. Check odyssey for more
information on this critically acclaimed production.

Photography by Denise Blasor

 Behind the sheltering sky is a vast dark universe,
and we're just so small.

-Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky

Copyright ©2013 Lorraine Blasor All Rights Reserved✍

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